Transplant Prep Day 3 - Travel Day
Today is yet another travel day. We had this down to a science in the months back and forth to Duke. That is, until we had to pack for three months! Shew!
The Car is Loaded Down
Look at all this stuff. Meds, supplies, medical equipment, clothes for any weather season we might encounter, books, Bibles, snacks, electronic devices and all their chargers, books, toiletries, more books…and some books.
Thankful For Friends
We’re so thankful for the kindness of friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who have offered us their homes as free places to stay during this time. We are blessed to have the hospitality and the comfort of these wonderful prayer partners in this journey. We wouldn’t be able to afford this long season of healthcare travel without them.
In a very difficult time in our lives, the Lord has brought a taste of sweetness through the ministry of these precious souls. The ministry of presence is something you can’t truly understand until you’re desperate for it and God soothes your weary heart with the comfort of others. Thank you, friends. You know who you are.