Kissing the Wave
Charles Spurgeon once said “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.” I’m learning this myself these days. It’s a hard lesson.
Reading Fantasy as an Act of Worship
After spending six months reading fantasy, I now get the appeal and I want to share with you why you should give fantasy a try, too—especially if you’re in the midst of a particularly difficult season.
The Unspeakable Blessing of a Safe Space
“Welcome home. This is a safe space.”
I’ve had some really crappy days this week. I’ve been more emotional than I ever care to be, cried more than I have in months, and railed at the disappointments and injustices I’ve faced to the point of hoarseness. I’ve been loudly passionate about things that need someone—anyone—to speak about them. I’ve been both questioned (with suspicion) and championed for my voice. And all of it has felt . . . useless.
Whack-a-Mole Theology
Before I came to salvation in Christ and during my early years as a believer, I had a view of God’s character that was very much like my favored arcade game. I pictured myself in a giant whack-a-mole game with God.