
As I watch
The ocean waves
Crest and fall
To their secret rhythm
I wonder . . .

What glorious harmony could the church have
If she would naturally propel all her members
To work seamlessly together in concert
Like the sea

Gender, race, class, position
None of these barriers
Would hinder the work of Christ
No, instead the work would be enriching, effective, and eternal

All the saints would gather
Without bias or neglect
To serve God and neighbor

The world would notice our love
Our love for them
Our love for us
Our love for God

No longer would anyone look at rotten fruit
And reject the vine
No longer would women and children
Have to wonder "Is it safe?"
No longer would some be welcome
And others not
No longer would budgets drive the mission
Instead of people

Instead, harmony would increase
Love would win
Peace would answer
Grace would speak
And mercy would rule

Like the waves
That are powerful enough to destroy land
Yet peaceful enough to sing us to sleep

True harmony draws many
May they marvel at the symphony of reciprocity

Kim Wine

Kim is a wife and homeschooling mother from Columbia, South Carolina. She is deeply passionate about getting women into the pure Word of God, and she is active in the women's and music ministries at Green Hill Baptist Church in West Columbia, SC. Kim enjoys shenanigans and tomfoolery and can be found wherever there is cheesecake. She praises her Lord daily for coffee.


Stained Glass Cage