Mom’s Diagnosis and Mike’s Next Steps
Mom was discharged from the hospital today and we got the pathology report back early this morning. Mike has upcoming procedures and appointments. Read on for a quick update on both.
Mike’s Next Steps
Mike’s red blood count has been quite low since he was originally diagnosed in February. He is now even lower and will be receiving a transfusion of two units of blood tomorrow at the hospital. He’s quite weak and tired and we’re hopeful that this will perk him up with enough energy for the next stage of his cancer journey, which requires travel.
Because his mass has grown and his tumor markers are now increasing again, Mike has two very important appointments with specialists next week. On Monday, he will be meeting with Duke Oncology to get a third opinion on further treatment. We will be traveling for this appointment. We will be staying with some dear friends in our old stomping grounds while we’re there and we’re looking forward to that bright spot in all the recent upheaval. Then, next Wednesday, he has a virtual appointment with Dr. Einhorn to hear his input on further treatment. A decision will be made after these visits on how to go forward with treatment, but further treatment is definitely in his future. Please pray for wisdom, safe travels, and supernatural energy from the Lord for Mike so he can make the trip.
Mom’s Diagnosis
The pathology on Mom’s small intestinal mass came back early this morning while Mom was still admitted to the hospital. She has diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the small intestine (DLBCL). Her oncologist got further bloodwork before she was discharged and she will have some preliminary tests and procedures before she meets with him next week for her first official oncology appointment. She is seeing the partner of Mike’s doctor, who is also fantastic, Dr. John Ponugupati.
As far as the healing from her surgery goes, she’s doing wonderfully. She’s so strong! I want to be just like her when I grow up! She barely needs any pain meds and is getting around quite well. Her surgeon would like for her to heal for a full six weeks before she starts any chemotherapy treatments because bowel resections are complicated healing processes. She’s able to eat anything she feels up to eating and is stronger than I ever was after any of my abdominal surgeries.
I’m Tired, Boss
If you’ve ever watched the movie The Green Mile, you might recognize the phrase in the sub-header. I feel like John Coffey. I’m tired. I’m tired of the curse of sin and sickness in the world. I’m tired of all the ugliness and hate and I’m desperate to notice some beauty. I’m trying to be intentionally grateful for what I do have. I’m trying to notice beauty in simple things, like the laughter of a child, or the smile of a stranger. I’m trying to add beauty to the world in the midst of my pain so that maybe someone else in pain will be uplifted, even just for a moment.
But, mostly, I’m tired. Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. I want to scream, cry, and cocoon, but there’s no time to do any of that because there are doctor’s appointments and hospital visits and meals to cook and, and, and . . . the list never ends. I need prayers. I need rest. I need the people in my life to just be okay, all at the same time for more than a week.
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating (since I lost all the archives of past updates!) . . . People keep asking me what we need—specifically what help I need. I have no idea what I need. I can’t even think of how to make a shopping list right now, much less plan a whole meal, cook it, and clean up afterwards. I’ve lost track of the last time I wore any makeup (something that gives me joy to do). It’s all I can do to keep up with the laundry so I don’t offend the noses of the general public, ha! Please, if you feel led to do something, just do it. You’re not going to offend or bother me. Be pushy. Don’t take no for an answer. I simply don’t have the mental capacity to make anymore decisions and coordinate care, meals, doctor’s appointments, travel arrangements, etc. Did I mention; I’m tired, Boss?