Duke Days 6 & 7—Internal Bleeding

We’re still here. Of course, we’re still here. It’s us {woeful snort of acceptance here}. We’re learning to take the blows in stride and understand that this is the season we’re in.

Discharge, Smishcharge

Yes, I made up that word. Don’t go looking it up, mmmkay? Yesterday, right as the oncologist was working up Mike’s discharge papers, he began getting extreme abdominal pain. I already had his discharge medications and we were ready to go and then, blammo! Pain to a level 9 from out of nowhere that wouldn’t let up.

The oncologist immediately ordered an abdominal x-ray and CT Scan. Mike could barely tolerate lying flat for the bedside x-ray. We were guessing it was likely another ileus/small bowel obstruction.

Radiology was taking awhile to bring him down for the CT Scan, so I went on back to my home away from home to get some sleep. About 11:30 last night, I got a call from the attending physician. Everyone reading knows it’s never a good thing when the hospital calls in the middle of the night.

Internal Bleeding

To our surprise, instead of gut inflammation, Mike had internal bleeding that had caused a 6-inch hematoma (collection of blood) in his abdomen. The source was a liver metastasis that had been bleeding. Interventional radiology was called in to repair it non-invasively (a.k.a., non-surgical) with an embolization procedure. I got to the hospital quickly and a dear local friend also came to be with me because they didn’t want me to be alone. That meant everything to both of us.

The procedure went seamlessly and was successful. They anticipate him having no more issues with this area while they work to get his disease treated and shrink his tumors. He’s feeling much better today; just super sleepy, which is typical for him after anesthesia. We personally think this area may have been causing problems for a while due to some previous symptoms and his inability to hang onto any blood products. However, no doctor has confirmed this theory yet because we haven’t had an opportunity to ask them.

Faith First

I’m happy to report that this time, my faith ran ahead of my fear. I think I mentioned in the last update that I’ve been spending time meditating on 1 Corinthians Chapters 1-2. The Lord helped me recall all that he’s been feeding my soul and trust him with this one. I might not respond so well in the next crisis moment, so I’m recording this here for posterity, haha! As I was driving back to the hospital this afternoon after a long mid-morning nap, this song came on my playlist. Enjoy!

Kim Wine

Kim is a wife and homeschooling mother from Columbia, South Carolina. She is deeply passionate about getting women into the pure Word of God, and she is active in the women's and music ministries at Green Hill Baptist Church in West Columbia, SC. Kim enjoys shenanigans and tomfoolery and can be found wherever there is cheesecake. She praises her Lord daily for coffee.


Duke Day 8—Discharge!


Plans Changed, a.k.a. Really Good News!